Iman Skirt - Resource Page

With Just Patterns, I believe in empowering dressmakers to improve their skills with each project. In case you need help to figure out a particular step or you want to discover a new ways to do things, I curated a compilation of resources you may find useful when constructing your garment.

To buy the Iman Skirt, please visit my shop. If you are stuck on certain parts or would like to suggest other useful tutorials, don't hesitate to get in touch!

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Additional Tutorials and Resources


Topstitching tips for denim by the Last Stitch

Flat Felled Seams

This tutorial by Handmade by Carolyn shows a slightly different version of a flat-felled seam extended into a split seam for the denim version.


Annie Sewing's tutorial on a lined vent with mitered corners (except you leave the lining hem free for Iman)

Atelier Saison's construction of an unlined vent starting at 1:41:00

Thread chain

Atelier Saison's tutorial for a thread chain to secure the lining in place.