Dear Readers,Since I couldn't sew for a while, and trying to avoid spending money as a way to cope (link), my only option is to talk, talk and talk about sewing. Unfortunately, neither my four-months old human or my 3-year old dog were very interested in the topic... You, readers, are my victims.Today, I will try to do round up of free patterns available in French, some are also translated into English. The big disclaimer is that I haven't tried any, mostly because I don't have the time but also because the French offer often does not match my aesthetic. However it doesn't mean that there might not be something you like and it gives me something to do during nap time, so let's jump in!
Deer & Doe
First, there is the ubiquitous Plantain Tee by Deer & Doe. Frankly, I've been tempted to try it out (and probably printed it out more than once). I don't know why I haven't...
Pauline & Alice
Second and also very famous Pauline & Alice. I'm not even sure if this brand should be categorized as French... Free to download is the Bailen top & dress.
Essais & Erreurs / Festive Road
Less known are the patterns released by the Vicomte de Boisjoly on her blog Essais&Erreurs. She has a great writing style, which shone during the whole Aime Comme Marie debacle and she makes available patterns of styles she drafts for herself.
Wear Lemonade
For the risk takers, here are the free patterns offered by Wear Lemonade. I talk about risks because most of the appeal seems to reside in its gorgeous and stylish owner but after quick look at the drafting, I saw some odd things. Proceed with caution!
République du Chiffon

Patterns at Republique du Chiffon are probably a safer option, however reviewing pictures and my own experiment with Veste Francoise (which was 95% done when I left NY early December but you may not see until many months #lazyblogger), I'm not a fan of their sleeve/armscye draft. Make a muslin!
I Am Patterns

Next up is this dress by I Am Patterns (sidenote: by now you must have noticed the tendency of using an English name for those companies, but I really can't wrap my head around this one), available at Marie Claire Idées.
Histoire de Coudre
Technically not free but available for 1 cent, it's the Beryl Top from Histoire de coudre. I think this is one of the patterns I may want to give a try. I see it in a medium silk weight, tucked in a high waist skirt...
Je fais mes dessous
For lingerie makers, you have a thong tutorial available at Je fais mes dessous (I make my undies).More lingerie (bralettes and even men underwear) at Monsieur est une trainée (which I won't translate because I'd rather not get the traffic that it would attract...)
Lastly, the jeans from 1083 that I have mentioned before. If you want to make them, please note that there seam to be a mistake in the pattern, pointed out by YOU, dear readers. Have a look at the comments!So, what do you think? Did I miss any free French pattern? Did you make any successfully (or not)? Please share!