Photography for sewing bloggers - My plan to improve

Dear readers, First, hello from Panamá! In the middle of my holidays in Guatemala, i'm attending a work training and I will be back in Haiti next week. I used the opportunity of being in Guatemala and Panama to buy some sewing notions (nothing exciting), and I found a beautifully cheap washed cotton but the best part is that I BOUGHT A CAMERA!!bodylensI think you all noticed that photography for sewing it is a pretty popular topic these days. It's something that I mentioned before, photography is one source of embarrassment and an element stopping me from starting a blog before. I knew, I would want to show pretty pictures but the whole things felt very overwhelming. However, after reading the great great posts from Amy and Heather about the mirror less cameras, I finally found the courage to upgrade from taking my pictures with an Iphone. I was always scared of DSLRs and there size makes me think that I will never carry one around, so the Sony Nex 6 felt like a perfect compromise for now. I am slowly working my way through a book (this one if you are interested) and I chose not to purchase a prime lens yet. This will be my reward if I go through the whole book AND put it in practice.I also started using Lightroom about two month ago but I don't know if you can already see the difference. My latest Lekala dress, the black Nettie and my linen shorts pictures were all edited in Lightroom. Obviously there is a learning curve, but as described by Heather, it makes the editing much faster. One other thing that I really like, is the LR/Blog preset that I bought. It allows me to automatically export my pictures to my wordpress media library. Totally worth 8 euros!!I have several items to show. However, the pictures have been taken on my Iphone so do not expect to see changes too soon. I hope that within a month I can welcome you to a new and updated visual universe... (What? Am I being over ambitious here??)Now I would LOVE to hear about your favorite (beginner-friendly) resources for photography and post-processing! Do you have a favorite book? Blog? Do you use any Lightroom presets? Let's help each other!

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