
Dear readers,

Apart from pyjamas made from the Madeleine free pattern, I never ever made a Colette pattern. They don't fit my size, my style or my sewing preferences (too much hand sewing and beginner techniques). However, I do own the book, I've been reading the blog since the beginning and got on every email lists for sneak peeks.... To be perfectly honest, I even started a project from the book but I quit at the muslin stage as I got too upset with the pattern.

Despite my lack of interest for the patterns themselves, I am impressed at how Sarai's ideas for the community are always ahead. And she did it again with Seamwork (if you enter your email, you can win 1-year for free and you give me an extra entry, if you don't want to give me an extra entry click here ;-)).I strongly believe that sewing is underusing the possibilities of online publishing. An online magazine like Seamwork will be a good first step.

Personnally, I cannot wait to see more ebooks/apps that make full use of the different type of interactive media that can be integrated: video, animated illustrations, text, pictures that are zoomable, samples in 3D, in-app comment/feedback... This is something I am passionate about, so I could go on and on. But I want to hear from you!

How do you think sewing instructions, patterns, books, etc. could make better use of the available technology?

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