SEWN - The other white shirt

SEWN - The other white shirt

Dear readers,It looks like the new blog format is working for me so far, I hope it is for you too. However it's too soon to tell if I will be able to keep it up. It wouldn't be the first time that I manage to maintain decent activity levels on the blog, only to let it completely go a month later... One thing I forgot to mention though is that I don't currently plan on posting on other platforms than here and Instagram. No more PR, Kollabora (which never seemed to foster interactions or traffic anyway), Burdastyle or Thread and Needle. Traffic was never high on this blog and will certainly drop now but I kind of like the idea of a narrower little corner of the Internet, mostly with regular readers.

But let's talk about today's topic, another big square white shirt. Whenever I



white top

, I kick myself for not making more. It's so easy to be seduced by colors and prints in pretty fabric, but there are not many garments as versatile as white tops and blouses.When I made the Ralph Pink pattern

I mentioned last week

, I already had in mind a crisp poplin version. Probably because of

this Burda pattern


Mokosha just posted about it

, and it's reminding me that it would probably fit my current needs) and this


number :

I really love the final garment. It fits my current needs perfectly and has been through several wash and wear cycles. I hope not to outgrow it too fast because it's a very office friendly option in my shrinking wardrobe. I don't have a definite word on 

Ralph Pink's Sahara Shirt Pattern

, like most patterns it did require a certain level modifications to match the idea that I had in mind. I did appreciate that the pattern pieces were relatively simple and went together easily.As you can see in the inspiration pictures, a crucial aspect to modeling a square shirt is to pretend you're about to casually perform a set of crunches.  I will comply as long as I'm not required to do the actual crunches!

That's it for today! Hopefully I will be back soon with more pictures of recent makes. This post is proof that I CAN take pictures inside my apartment, even if they are on the boring side... Oooh tropical background of Haiti, how I miss you!!

Any tips for indoor pictures you would like to share?

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