Tidbits #1

Dear readers,

The other day, I wrote about short-form content and I never thought that with the blog name I chose (many moons ago, on a whim and without particularly liking it), maybe that's what I meant to do all along!! So, welcome to Tidbits first edition, where I share stuff I saw, read, heard.

Sewing Tidbits...

  • 2 beautiful Instagram accounts : Notes of a Pattern Maker and Contour Affair.

  • Now that's what I call a great post from Jen at Grainline Studios. I've been completely underwhelmed by the brand's latest pattern releases but her voice hasn't changed and is still ON POINT. There are no secrets to good sewing, only practice practice practice!!

  • I don't think I really need a Cape Blazer in my closet (or do I??) but this is what I like to see from the Indie pattern designer!

  • A nice article about sewing in the Atlantic. I enjoyed the history part on the sewing kit but the text doesn't really go anywhere at the end and I "stayed hungry" (that's a litteral translation of the French expression "rester sur sa faim).

And other Bits!

  • I'm fairly recent listener to podcasts, and have been following the one produced by Leandra Medine of Man Repeller since the beginning. However, it's been a few episodes that she is losing me. The last one is all about getting out of your comfort zone and I'm just getting tired of the constant run for improvement. Can't you just be happy about where you are and what you have? Do you really have to "challenge yourself" all the time to become a "Better You"? Listen and tell me what you think!

  • A few weeks ago, I saw this great Cuban movie Viva and I highly recommend it! I've never been to Cuba but I could really feel the Carribbean vibe I have encountered in Haiti, the Dominican Republic or Panamá. The story is beautiful, the music is awesome and the photography is mind-blowing!

What are the words or images you enjoyed recently, please share!

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