Tidbits #7

Tidbits #7


This is a long overdue Tidbits post! If you are new to this blog, Tidbits is a random list of sewing related things that I’ve been thinking about, reading or listening to. You can read past Tidbits editions to get a better idea of what it is!

On taking classes

Since the classes I took at FIT several years ago, I love sewing classes. Unfortunately, I always struggle to find classes that match my interests. Sewing studios essentially focus on beginner classes or specific garment classes (like sew your own jeans) which I can just pick up a pattern for and do at home. And the more advanced classes are often about “couture” techniques (or what the sewing community considers couture), which I never really got into. Fashion schools and colleges seem to be a better choice for me even if not all their catalogue is available to non-students. But I just registered for the advanced draping class at the “Ecole Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne (now called IFM) and I’m beyond excited! You can check out the curriculum here (in english)!

On copying Ready-to-Wear garments

I was listening to the Love To Sew podcast episode about copying Ready-to-Wear, and I had mixed feelings about the big no-no to rubbing-off RTW to release sewing patterns. First, because I think rubbing not uncommon in the fashion industry it self but also because we know of several patterns that are direct copies of RTW styles and as sewists, we are happy that they exist (cough cough… Persephone Pants….). Anyway, listening to the episode reminded of this great video by The Modeliste. Do you follow him on Instagram or on Youtube? So inspirational!

Sewing tips I would not have thought of mentioning

A few weeks ago, I took a national sewing exam in France (I promise that I will post about it here very soon) and I was discussing with another candidate the construction of the invisible zipper. It seemed strange to both of us that the zipper area wasn’t interfaced or that you were not instructed to stitch the bottom of the zipper tape to the seam allowances. It made me think of all the things that over the years we have learned to do automatically and that have improved our sewing.

I think that the difference between a good teacher and regular person is the ability to identify and formulate those things (hint, I am NOT a natural teacher…). Mie of Sewing Like Mad comes to mind as particularly gifted in that area. I love her Instagram and the hashstag #miessewingtips. I really enjoyed that post about avoiding stay stitching using interfaced pieces to ease parts back into shape. I do it all the time but I would never have thought of mentioning it. In the same spirit, a while back, Lisa of Notes from a Mad Housewife wrote this great tutorial on folding seam allowances in corners rather than jamming them in.

Sewing outfits rather than clothes

If you follow my personal Instagram, you know that I’m more or less stuck in France for the time being and that I have been sewing up a storm. I still don’t know how or if I will document all of it here. I have been sewing a lot of separates and one thing that I have really enjoyed lately was to plan my sewing in terms of outfit rather than individual clothes. I have the feeling that it’s helping me create a more cohesive wardrobe. I have a lot of thoughts about the specificities of personal style and sewing your own clothes so I’ll try to dedicate a post to it in the near future!

That’s it for today, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below to share your reactions and your own thoughts about sewing!

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