Laetitia Wrap Skirt - Resource Page

With Just Patterns, I believe in empowering dressmakers to improve their skills with each project. In case you need help to figure out a particular step or you want to discover new ways to do things, I curated a compilation of resources you may find useful when constructing your garment.

To buy the Laetitia Wrap Skirt sewing pattern, please visit my shop. If you are stuck on certain parts or would like to suggest other useful tutorials, don't hesitate to get in touch!

  • Introducing the Laetitia Wrap Skirt

    Introducing the Laetitia Wrap Skirt

    Dear readers,I’m so happy to bring you a new addition to the Just Patterns family. I have not released a skirt pattern since 2020 and it definitely feels strange because...

    Introducing the Laetitia Wrap Skirt

    Dear readers,I’m so happy to bring you a new addition to the Just Patterns family. I have not released a skirt pattern since 2020 and it definitely feels strange because...

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Additional tutorials and resources

Working with delicate fabrics

Tips and tricks for cutting silk by Grainline Studio

French Seams

Tutorial by Grainline Studio

Baby Hem

Tutorial on how to use Ban-Rol by Dana Marie

3 ways to finish your narrow hem by Four Square Walls