Sewing Tidbits

Illusion jacket with the help of Marc Jacobs and an epic journey to fusingland...

Illusion jacket with the help of Marc Jacobs an...

We finally had the time and the proper weather to go take pictures of the illusion jacket from the Burdastyle 10/2012, number 113. Actually proper weather may not be the...

Illusion jacket with the help of Marc Jacobs an...

We finally had the time and the proper weather to go take pictures of the illusion jacket from the Burdastyle 10/2012, number 113. Actually proper weather may not be the...

Breakfast  at Tiffany's sleeping mask DIY

Breakfast at Tiffany's sleeping mask DIY

Just like last year, I made a costume to attend this French party in the Upper East Side. This year the theme was "Nuit Blanche sixties at Tiffany's" (Sleepless Sixties...

Breakfast at Tiffany's sleeping mask DIY

Just like last year, I made a costume to attend this French party in the Upper East Side. This year the theme was "Nuit Blanche sixties at Tiffany's" (Sleepless Sixties...

Update on the Bramaking sew-along

Update on the Bramaking sew-along

So I got a bit disappointed when I read over at Cloth Habit that rigid cups may not be covered in the sew-along because I never wear soft cup bras. When I...

Update on the Bramaking sew-along

So I got a bit disappointed when I read over at Cloth Habit that rigid cups may not be covered in the sew-along because I never wear soft cup bras. When I...

Lagarfeld (and Burda) for meeeeee!!

Lagarfeld (and Burda) for meeeeee!!

I've been wanting to make this Karl Lagarfeld's skirt (pattern available here)  since the day it got released, which was in 2010... so I'm not proud. Anyway, I had this...

Lagarfeld (and Burda) for meeeeee!!

I've been wanting to make this Karl Lagarfeld's skirt (pattern available here)  since the day it got released, which was in 2010... so I'm not proud. Anyway, I had this...

SEWN - Another shiny pencil skirt

SEWN - Another shiny pencil skirt

When I was shopping for the brocade skirt, I also found this geometric print with a golden thread at Paron in New York. I'm not sure of the composition, I...

SEWN - Another shiny pencil skirt

When I was shopping for the brocade skirt, I also found this geometric print with a golden thread at Paron in New York. I'm not sure of the composition, I...

SEWN - Gold brocade pencil Skirt

SEWN - Gold brocade pencil Skirt

 As I said here, I spent some time creating a block for a classic pencil skirt complete with lining and facing pattern that I could just pull off every time...

SEWN - Gold brocade pencil Skirt

 As I said here, I spent some time creating a block for a classic pencil skirt complete with lining and facing pattern that I could just pull off every time...